The Games Women Play

I've often hear most women make the following two statements: “if you love me you would fight for me” and “I must make him work for it before giving him my heart”. This idea that a man must try several times before you finally say 'yes' to him because he would likely not respect and value you if you agree too soon, is perhaps one of the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Listen — a man who will not value you is still not going to value you no matter how much you play hard to get. And the one who's going to value you, would still value you regardless of how easy you think he got you. You see, it's really not about you, its about who he is.

Personally, I get quite weary with all these games women play. I expect a woman to be open with me the moment I make my intentions known to her. Honestly, all the schemes and tactics they come-up with to get you to proof your love to them does not really argur well with me and I know I speak for most men. It's funny, what makes you think you really have to test us? Are you Lucifer? 🤔

Only twice in my life have a woman walked-up to me to tell me she like me and would like for us to date. Out of those two women, I only ended-up dating one while the other didn't quite work-out. But I can tell you categorically that I didn't value her any less than I'd have if she had made me work for it. 

A word of advice — women stop putting men to the love test! Life's so complicated for men as it is and we don't need you complicating it any further with your so-called trials? So what happens when the man you love does not pass the test? You wait for another who can? And in case you forget, they're men who'd be willing to put-up with any challenge you throw their way, just so they can get what they want from you. So, is it commitment before marriage you want or commitment after marriage? Make your choice!
