A wise man will constantly put his beliefs to the test. He should, every now and then check up on himself to find-out if he still believes what he thought he believed. Because the truth is that we're constantly changing our beliefs. As we experience other aspects of life, people and culture, we allow those experiences to influence and shape how we think.

This is my opinion concerning the debate of which is better — Monogamy or Polygamy. Unsurprisingly, I do prefer one man one wife; however, not because of religious or spiritual implications, but simply because of psychological and financial reasons. Let me explain.

The moment you make the all important choice of who your life partner should be, you're also on the other hand chosing a particular sets of problems, because every woman has baggages and so does men. And having to deal with more than one woman in a polygamous affair is having to deal with so many sets of baggages! One woman is problem enough as it is — why would anyone want more?

Courting two or more women is not healthy for the mental well-being of any man. Hence, every man should stick with just one woman. But if any man feels he can handle the emotional and mental burden that comes with having more than one wife; he has my best wishes.

Another reason why I favour the Western affiliated monogamy pattern of marriage, compared to the African Polygamous system, is because by far and wide, one man one wife is economically advantageous than the flamboyant Polygamous marriage. Especially in times like this where we have so much economic and financial uncertainties.

However, though I would rather prefer to marry one woman than be with more than one, that does not make me any better (morally) than a man who prefers to court many women. After all, King Solomon had 300 wives and more than 700 concubines! Yet, he was the wisest man to have ever lived. 

Recently, in Lagos, a man weeded two identical sisters on the same day and the family was okay with the arrangement; Who are we to judge? Some years ago I visited the home of a local politician in my community who was married to three women and they all lived under the same roof; who are we to judge? I agree with the late Martin Luther King Jr when he said: “I judge a man by his own standards, not by my own”. 

One man one wife or one man many wives? Who cares? What does it matter what I think. 
