On my shuttle to work on the 10th of February 2021, I came across a man kneeling down in front of a furniture shop at Opolo, Yenagoa. Judging by his clothes he was an apprentice. It got me thinking: what terrible thing could he have done to warrant his boss to punish him in such a way? Telling a grown-up man to kneel down in view of every passerby for me is a punishment taken too far.

The bible said Fathers should not provoke their children to wrath. Well, the same advice goes for masters too. After all, isn't a master like a father? Therefore, melting out such an aggressive and soul-degrading punishment would only end up crushing the spirit and enthusiasm of that young man, who just wants to learn a skill to enable him earn a living in the future. 

However, since I really don't know the whole story, I'd try not to be too judgemental. Besides, doesn't a master or teacher has a right to punish his own students? Of course he does. A father disciplines the child that he loves, it's all part of the training. But they must take caution to see that in an attempt to correct they don't end up crushing. 

To bruise the ego of that young man in that manner is something I simply can't agree with. Nothing is more important to us men than our egos and pride. And nobody, I repeat nobody, have a right to injure a man in his pride.
