Don't blame men who marry younger women because the beauty of a woman fades quick and fast. Yes, there are women who still bloom late into their forties and fifties; who still look amazingly sexy and beautiful even after giving birth to several kids, but that is the exception not the norm.
A man should marry a woman that is at least fifteen years younger than him. This is because women age twice as fast as men. A man in his late thirties is at his peak and his full of adrenaline, vibe and handsomeness; while a women in her late thirties, especially one that has given birth to a child or two, let's just say is no longer as attractive as she used to be. ðŸ¤
I was hanging out with a friend of mine and his friend, and we were discussing about women. What else would we talk about? 😆 This guy, who's a friend of my friend made a statement that really cracked me up and still do. He said, “If I'm dating any girl my own age, I'm just doing her a favour”. It was savage but brutally honest. Men will seldom opt to date a woman of the same age with them, when they're many younger and more beautiful girls out there.
A woman is at the peak of her beauty at the age of 18 - 28. Within that period, she is like a trophy that every man wants for himself. Hence, the constant wooing and courting by men who all want a piece of her cake. If you know what I mean. 😉
Most women not realizing that this phase of her life wouldn't last forever, squander it on dating multiple men at a time rather than take the wise old path of committing herself to one deserving of her love and affection.
Every year, a woman passes her bloom period and every year a woman enters into her prime. And all things being equal — men would always go for those who are in their prime rather than those who have left their bloom period. If you're girl in her bloom period reading this, please use yours wisely.
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