Yesterday, on my way to work, I noticed that the shoe I was putting on had some issues. So I decided to look for a shoemaker. Fortunately, I saw an Aboki and immediately summoned him to repair the damage. While he was on it, another shoemaker joined him and it was obvious by the way they greeted each other that they were cordial. Within a short time, the shoemaker that was sewing my shoe was done; I paid him then began to head straight to work.
I had not taken more than 10 steps when I realized that the spot I had just given the Aboki to sew had become loosed again. I quickly turned back to the place where the shoemaker were but could only find one. The particular Aboki who had repaired my shoe had gone and was nowhere to be found. I was angry. I showed the other Aboki what had happened and I was surprised to see the disappointment on his face. He immediately gestured to me to take off my shoes and had it fix. I hesitated a bit because I didn't want to pay another fee, but I didn't have that much of a choice. The loosed wool on my soles made me uncomfortable.
Now, while the former Aboki had taken a mere two minutes to sew up my shoe, this guy was still on it even after 10 minutes. I tell you he was doing a great job fixing his brother's mess. Although it was all to my benefit, I was still a little bit worried because I was already late for work.
Finally, the shoemaker was done with fixing my shoe and you could tell without being told that he had done an amazing work. I offered him cash but to my surprise he simply refused it; making me understand that since I had already paid the other guy for the job, it wouldn't be fair for him to take another fee from me. I was impress to say the least but after a little more persuasion I was able to squeeze 30 naira into his hands for a job his predecessor had charged me a 100, and he gladly accepted it with a smile.
On my way to work, I couldn't help but admire the love these Aboki's have for one another. And I also began to wonder if a Christian brother would be willing to do that for another of the same faith? Though the central message of the Christian Faith is love, it's quite unfortunate that most believers find it hard to love their fellow brethen. They can pray for hours but does not dwell in love with one another.
Someone once said, if every Christian acted like a Christian the world will be a better place today. I couldn't agree more. Though we know the Way, the Truth, and the Life, there's so much we can learn from this Islamic folks, especially in the area of loving one another.
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