Love is deceptive! It's not always honest or real. Sometimes, it's not as though people meant to lie or deceive others, but because what they thought was love was only an illusion. They were simply deceived by circumstantial evidences appearing real. 

Why do I say this? Well, under the right light, circumstance, moment, anyone can appear to be what they're not. Under the right light, anyone can appear beautiful. Under the right circumstance, anyone can appear sweet. Being in close proximity to someone, everyday, may make them appear more awesome than they actually are. 

For instance, I once started developing feelings for a colleague I saw everyday at work. We sat almost opposite each other and our eyes often met. We seldom talk but the chemistry was there — or so I thought. But the moment I was transferred to another office, those feelings gradually began to fade away until it completely disappeared. Now, whenever I see her, I wonder what made me fell for her in the first place. No offense to her, she is wonderful woman, but she has none of the qualities I admire in a woman. So what was it that made me fell for her in the first place?

Back in my undergraduate days at NDU, there was this Restaurant where I always ate. After a while, I realized I was starting to develop feelings for the lady that always served me my meal. It was becoming quite serious that I had to make a decision to start eating somewhere else. Because not only was I dating someone at the time, this lady was also married! But after about a month of not eating at that particular restaurant, the feelings disappeared.

Now, I'm not saying that there is no true love; but what most people  feel most of the time is circumstantial love. Remove the variables that are fuelling those emotions and the feelings will die a natural death. 

Recently, one of my ex confessed to me that the reason why we broke-up was because after I left Amassoma, she began to learn to live without me. And soon she became so good at it that the love just wasn't there anymore. In other words, the variable that kept our relationship together was the close proximity to one another.

Honestly, knowing what I now know about love, I would be very sceptical to commit my life to any woman who says she loves me, no matter how much she says it or shows it. Because I wouldn't help but wonder — what are the variables that are bringing about this feelings in her? I would find it much easier to date a woman who tells me: I like you because of this, that and this. At least now I know what the variables are and can work on keeping them, rather than being in the dark about it the whole time.

Happy Valentine's Day ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
