The poor can't afford to have too many bad habits because when you're poor, people tend to judge you quickly and have zero tolerance for your nuisances. The rich on the other hand, live on another planet entirely: a world where people pretend not to notice your flaws because they want a favor or two from you; a world where the laws that govern the common man does not apply to you; a world where one can get away with almost anything. That is the world the rich live in.

The rich of course bear a curse of their own – they're surrounded more by sycophants rather than friends. That's because when you're rich, everyone knows your house address. Most of the people who come around them are just trying to get some for themselves and hardly anyone ever gives a dime. But the poor does not have that problem, in fact, the poor have a different kind of problem: lack of friends. The book of Proverbs puts it this way: "The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends" (Prob 14:20). So it's not just that the poor doesn't have much friends, even his own neighbours want nothing to do with him. Therefore, I will advice that those who stick around with us even now that we're broke and flat on our ass, we ought to hold in high esteem because those are really true friends.

A poor man can't afford to have too many bad habits, that's if he can afford to have any at all. That being said, some experts will even go as far as to suggest that the reason he is poor in the first place is because he has too many of those poor (bad) habits. Well, that may be true, but not all poverty or wealth is the result of man's own effort. In Church they say a man can only succeed by 'grace' while in the world they call it 'luck' or good fortune. Nevertheless, I think it pays to have good habits (rich or poor), not so you can become super rich tomorrow, but just to enjoy your life through quality living. A poor man with lots of good habits can enjoy some form of luxury even in his abject state of penury, while a rich man with lots of bad habits may end up in self-destruction.

Which leads me to my next statement: money does not change people, it only amplifies who they already are. A man who suddenly starts drinking as soon as he becomes rich, was already a drunker who couldn't afford to drink as much because he was broke. But now that he has some dough he says: "damn it bartender keep em coming". By the way, no one suddenly becomes anything, whatever we are right now is as a result of years of rehearsals. Back to my point: a man who suddenly becomes a womanizer in wealth, was already one, only now he can afford to express himself (dick) more fully. Which means that if you're unhappy now that you have no money, don't expect to be happy when you're rich. And if you aren't so rich right now, don't let all this crap make you sad. After all, what do I know? But actually the way I see it, there's some hope for the poor, that although lack of cash may limit him at some level, it does not stop him from making the most of himself and resources (time, money, energy). He can still become the best version of himself, which means he is not completely miserable. And if he would channel his best effort to acquiring good habits, in no time, he may eventually come out of lack, all other things being equal (grace and luck).

It was the sage Jim Rohn who said, "Success is not something we pursue, but something we attract by becoming an attractive person". And who is that attractive person according to this great man? He is that person, man or woman, who have developed multiple good habits, skills and languages. And herein lies the greatest secret of success: the accumulation of right habits over a long period of time.
