There is absolutely nothing wrong with being alone, so people should stop treating being single as a disease or a plague that must be avoided at all cost.
Those times you are alone (unmarried), is a time to grow, mature and know yourself better as a person. It is a time to build self-esteem; a time to appreciate your peculiarities; a time to embrace your quirks and develop your uniqueness.
The fact is that life can be a very brutal place and marriage is often a daunting challenge that only a few people can surmount. Just look at the high rate of divorce in our society today, and you'll understand what I mean. So if you're still single, I urge you to use this precious time of your life judiciously.
However, while there's nothing wrong in being single, it is not right for one to perpetually remain alone. Even the Bible said that “If two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone?” (Ecc 4:11). God also said, “It is not good that the man should be (continually) alone; I would make him an help meet for him”. I deliberately added ‘continually’ because God did created him alone in the first place and God cannot create anything that is not good. And if singleness did proceed out of Him, then we can be sure that it is good.
Life is in phases — there is a time to be alone and there's a time to be married. Therefore, let no man treat you as though your being single is a curse; because after all, there are many married people out there who wish there had remained single.
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