You should never marry someone you're not physically attracted to, no matter how well-behaved or mannered they are. And while looks shouldn't be the only requirement for choosing a life-partner, its definitely right up there with character.
Marriage as we all know is 90% physical, and we must learn to accept it for what it is. Enough of all this spiritual bullshit with regards to marriage. You'll hear some religious sister say something along this line: “if he is the one God wants me to marry then I don't have to find him attractive”. Or like some of our brothers will say “if she is the God chosen woman for my life then I don't care about her looks”. Wake up bro, God no longer chose for people! It is “he that findeth a wife, not he that findeth the wife that God findeth for him”. Lol
It is very risky to marry someone you are not physically attracted to because the chances of cheating on them is very high. Now I'm not saying that men who marry beautiful and attractive women don't cheat. Is high time we accept that some men are just dogs! No that's not what I'm saying, but when a man or woman is not attracted to their spouse, they find it difficult to have sex with them and lack of sex in marriage can often lead to infidelity. So, any woman you decide to spend the rest of your life with must have the ability to turn-you-on, even if she is just tying only wrapper. And the same goes for the women too.
Watch carefully, you'll discover that the people who always say looks is not important to them are often those who really care about looks. So, let's stop being hypocrites by saying we don't care about this stuff, when deep down we know it really matters.
However, we must be careful not to miss the point here because “beauty” they say “is in the eyes of the beholder”. That's why the focus should be more on “physical attraction” rather than on “beauty”. After all, is not as though there are general acceptable qualities of what makes a person beautiful. Someone who I find to be very beautiful may just be average in your own eyes. While someone you see as beautiful, I may find ugly as fuck! So, the emphasis shouldn't be on beauty, but someone who knows how to make your blood run hot! Wow, I'm being really naughty in this write-up… lol.
Therefore, since it's going to be near impossible for all of us to agree on what beauty really is, our focus then should be on finding someone we are physically attracted to. I know, she may not look as stunning as Genevieve Nnaji, they are often not; or as handsome as Maduka Okoye… the girls will agree on this one; but if he or she knows how to turn-up-your-screw, all other things being equal, then go for them!
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