The level of religious intolerance in Nigeria is becoming agonizingly sad and troubling. Why would some sect of people feel they have monopoly over violence, I don't know?
When we are slapped on one cheek, we are told to turn the other; but this is no slap is it? Our brothers and sisters are being killed daily by people who I regard as more or less animals!
Since I was born and now I am old, I've never heard it said, in this jungle called Nigeria, that Christians burnt down a mosque or killed a Muslim for desecrating the name of their Messiah — Jesus.
Then why should we continue to suffer such persecution, injustice in the hands of people we’ve so accommodated for years and continue to do so?
In the Old Testament, it was okay for Christians to fight and do battle in order to reclaim their lands and territory. David was chosen to be king of Israel for his many qualities, but no less because of his fighting skills.
“Turn the other cheek” when I'm slapped is all well and fine. But not when my life is being threatened; not when I'm been forced to live as a prisoner in my own country; no way — hell no!
{Rest in Peace Deborah Samuel}
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