The Craving For Change

Machiavelli once said, “Men desire novelty to such an extent that those who are doing well wish for a change as much as those who are doing badly.”

This is perhaps one of the reasons why men with “perfect” marriages cheat on their wives. Not that I'm condoning infidelity.

It is the reason why a person can quit a dream job with great pay and flexible hours to start their own business.

The desire and hunger for something new is the reason why most of us simply get bored with our lives!

The way to overcome this curse, if I'm allowed to use that word, is to find a way to spice up the mundane and routine aspects of every day life.

In this sense therefore, couples can introduce things like date night, role-playing etc, into their relationship to keep the fire burning.

Employees should find a way to make the dull aspects of their job more challenging and exciting.
