Thinking for a Living

Life is mental work! We all think for a living; but unfortunately only a few know this fact.

Men hate to think because when we truly engage in real thinking, all our flaws and vulnerability are laid bare. We become in a word “naked.”

Hence, we busy ourselves in frivolous and time-wasting activities, all in a bid to avoid the task of thinking. As Sir Joshua Reynolds puts it, “There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.” But in thinking lies the solution to most of our problems in life — not in prayer; though I am a praying man myself.

“If you will think enough what you have is enough” says Bishop David Oyedepo. I couldn't agree more. We are not lacking in resources, none of us, what we lack more than anything in this world is not spending enough time to just — think.
