You Don't Need To Be Talented

It takes talent to achieve success, but discipline to sustain it. There are many unsuccessful talented people in the world today because they’re many undisciplined people. Who are your mentors? What kind of habits do you have? Are you reliable and trustworthy as a person? Are you committed to your goals? The truth is, talent may win you some, but only training helps you keep winning.

However, I’d be foolish to downplay the importance of talent in enjoying some form of success in any particular field; but what I’m simply trying to say is that talent alone is not enough. The challenge lies in being able to develop your talent into a skill. What’s the difference? Well, talent is the raw material, while skill is the finished product. Talent is crude, skill is refined!

It requires self-discipline to develop your talent into a skill. The act of putting hours upon hours of training into honing your craft is a matter of character. Today, some people say I’ve a talent for writing, I find that very funny because I can still remember how not long ago I found it very difficult to arrange my thoughts in a readable form. But as a result of continuous writing, reading, and rewriting; I’ve been able to gain some proficiency in this area. Although, I have to be humble enough to admit that in the eyes of some, I’m yet to start! Think about it – who am I compared to Stephen King?

So am I still talented? Maybe or maybe not. But practice, determination and a strong desire to become an author are the main reasons why I am still growing as a writer. Therefore, perhaps what we call talent or gift is nothing but a deep hunger and desire to want to excel at something so bad that you’re willing to look ridiculous at times and also put in the time and effort required to succeed in it.

Well, whatever it is, all I know is talent is overrated and training underestimated. Achilochus writes ”We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training”. We live in a society that idolizes talent but cheapens training (acquired ability). We love to see people achieve great feats effortlessly - as though the exerting of massive effort to achieve something reduces its worth. If anything, we ought to accord greater respect to that kind of success. In the words of Booker T. Washington, “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed”.

Lionel Messi is a naturally gifted footballer; perhaps the most talented footballer the world would ever see! On the other hand, there’s Christiano Ronaldo, a disciplined and hardworking footballer. One of the greatest athletes the world would ever see! So, we have Talent vs. Training. Actually, that’s what I had initially wanted to title this article. Anyway, there are many who believe that Messi is more naturally gifted than Ronaldo, including myself. But when it comes to the issue of who’s the greatest of all time (GOAT), there’s a strong ongoing debate.

In the end, it doesn’t matter who the greatest of all time is between these two athletes. The fact is that both men have dominated football for more than a decade and we may never see the likes of them again. So, who says you have to be talented to achieve greatness in life – just ask Ronaldo! In fact, let’s ask him:

"Patience and persistence are two characteristics that differentiate the professional from the amateur. Everything that is big today has started small. You can't do everything, but do everything you can to make your dreams come true. And keep in mind that after night always comes dawn. ~Christiano Ronaldo 

Yes, talent may enjoy all the applause and razzmatazz, but I think training is doing just fine. So what if you’re not the most gifted in your field of endeavor? Or the most intelligent in your class… so what? I’ve come to understand that if you’d practice long enough and persevere against all odds, people would hardly know the difference. For instance – there are people who still think am a gifted writer! Ha ha …. that's funny! 
